Product Categories

  • Ablatives and insulation

    Thermal management solutions for space flights

    Ablative materials are used to both cool and protect structural and mechanical parts and payloads from extreme heat. Our cork and foam shields with ablatives paints meet the most demanding specifications required for space launch vehicles.

  • Aerodynamic Components

    Sharp focus on aerodynamic efficiency

    We offer both standard and custom designs developed for efficient assembly, ease of maintenance and reliable service. The range includes seals for wings and moving surfaces including complex aerodynamic semi-structural seal systems, fabricated seals and extrusions for wing seals, doors and hatches, interior couplings, inflatable cockpit canopy seals, and fuselage fairings. Our specialization in this area is, without doubt, our greatest strength, having worked with almost every type of Aerodynamic seal or system out there. We specialize in the fusion of numerous materials to enable the performance of a seal to be optimized. This includes the interfusion of composite or metallic materials with a wide range of flexible polymers reinforced with textiles, including glass cloth, Nextel, and polyester. We manufacture seals in a comprehensive range of configurations with metal or composite inserts for enhanced strength and easy mounting. Using both silicones, flour silicone, and polychloroprene (neoprene) formulations. From omega and p-seals to whole assembly sections, we meet the most challenging brief with extensive facilities, scalable production capacity, and speedy turnaround.

    The range includes seals for wings and moving surfaces – including complex aerodynamic semi-structural seal systems, fabricated seals and extrusions for wing seals, doors and hatches, interior couplings, inflatable cockpit canopy seals and fuselage fairings. Rubbercraft’s specialization in this area is without doubt our greatest strength, having worked with almost every type of Aerodynamic seal or system out there.

  • Airframe Components

    Individually developed and manufactured for unique applications

    This is a broad family of products, individually developed and manufactured for unique applications. In general, these seals are static and offer low friction and good abrasion resistance characteristics. They are typically used for the aerodynamic sealing of doors, windows, ailerons, spoilers, canopies, hatches, and panels. Airframe seals are typically bonded into place and can be made conductive. They can also be strategically reinforced to offer the load and deformation properties required for variable working conditions. An FEA (Finite Element Analysis) service is available to assist in the design of this seal type.

    The range includes seals for wings and moving surfaces – including complex aerodynamic semi-structural seal systems, fabricated seals and extrusions for wing seals, doors and hatches, interior couplings, inflatable cockpit canopy seals and fuselage fairings. Rubbercraft’s specialization in this area is without doubt our greatest strength, having worked with almost every type of Aerodynamic seal or system out there.

  • Composite Fabrication Tooling

    Proven track record of supplying elastomeric tooling solutions for composite fabrication.

    For more than 30 years we have been developing and delivering cutting-edge solutions for composite manufacturing processes that are enabling for our customers and have often resulted in cost and weight savings. With a history of achievement, Rubbercraft is committed to a future of continuing innovation, constantly pushing the boundaries in search of optimum solutions and excellence of products and service. Our solutions eliminate secondary bonding and/or fastening lower manufacturing costs and improved laminate quality. Our products are easily scalable to support production rate ramp-ups and are reusable for multiple cycles. They contain vulcanized coatings for ease of extraction and are capable of both autoclave or OOA applications in complex shapes and compound curvatures.

    The range includes seals for wings and moving surfaces – including complex aerodynamic semi-structural seal systems, fabricated seals and extrusions for wing seals, doors and hatches, interior couplings, inflatable cockpit canopy seals and fuselage fairings. Rubbercraft’s specialization in this area is without doubt our greatest strength, having worked with almost every type of Aerodynamic seal or system out there.

  • Conductive Components

    Conductive elastomeric solutions

    Conductive elastomeric seals & gaskets aid designers by providing a component that can provide both environmental and electric sealing. Proper selection of the elastomeric binder is critical for environmental conditions, and adequate selection of the metal filler is critical for galvanic capability to mating surfaces and corrosion resistance.

    The range includes seals for wings and moving surfaces – including complex aerodynamic semi-structural seal systems, fabricated seals and extrusions for wing seals, doors and hatches, interior couplings, inflatable cockpit canopy seals and fuselage fairings. Rubbercraft’s specialization in this area is without doubt our greatest strength, having worked with almost every type of Aerodynamic seal or system out there.

  • EMI Shielding Components

    Our custom-formulated elastomers and systems have outstanding physical properties including long life in critical applications, high chemical, fuel and solvent resistance and a wide usable temperature range.

    Our ability to combine EMI shielding and traditional sealing technology, integrated with customer components, provides electrical conductivity between mating surfaces while ensuring environmental protection as well as vibration isolation. Shielding performance is outstanding for EMI, RFI, and high-frequency emission. EMI requirements can be met by molding in place, extruding continuous lengths, die cutting from sheet, and vulcanizing to metal, composite, and a wide range of other materials. In addition to our custom material formulations, we are one of a few manufacturers certified on the QPL for all MIL-DTL-83528 material types. We manufacture and test our materials at our state-of-the-art facilities, and we can fabricate your custom designs in multiple locations. With our unique development and production capabilities, we can formulate customer-specific shielding requirements while also meeting your environmental application needs. Designs and material formulations can be tailored to your individual application.

    High-speed processors and high-density electronic packages generate significant heat that can compromise the performance and lifetime of computing devices and electronic systems. We have developed proprietary thermal elastomers to help protect your electronics through effective thermal management. Our elastomers are filled with thermally conductive materials and shielding, which remove and distribute heat buildup for reliable and efficient system operations. Materials can be formulated to isolate heat or effectively conduct and transfer the heat buildup. Our elastomer thermal pads fill the gaps between the heat-generating components and heat-dissipating surfaces (heatsinks) to maximize thermal dissipation while forming an electrically insulating layer between the two surfaces. These materials can be used with or without a reinforcing carrier. With unique development and production capabilities, we can custom formulate unique thermal management materials and designs. Configurations and material formulations can be tailored to your individual application.

    The range includes seals for wings and moving surfaces – including complex aerodynamic semi-structural seal systems, fabricated seals and extrusions for wing seals, doors and hatches, interior couplings, inflatable cockpit canopy seals and fuselage fairings. Rubbercraft’s specialization in this area is without doubt our greatest strength, having worked with almost every type of Aerodynamic seal or system out there.

  • Engine Sealing Systems

    Full range of elastomeric sealing solutions for aircraft engine

    We offer a wide range of sealing systems for engine and engine management applications, including fan blade annulus fillers, fan cowl/thrust reverser doors, heat exchangers, drive shafts, air intakes, fairings, and coupling systems, and the APU door, duct, inlet, and exhaust generator seals. Our experience in this sector ensures in-depth knowledge of the performance of materials at very high temperatures up to +518°F /270°C, and we also have specialist products that can perform at /+572°F /+300°C. Our seals, where required, are reinforced with various fire-retardant materials, such as fabrics, to meet fire-resistant and fireproof requirements.

  • Eye Guards for Defense Applications

    Proven mission performance of eye guards, eyecups, and eye shields

    Used on a variety of mission-critical night vision (light enhanced) and thermal optoelectronic (electro-optic) devices for military and law enforcement applications, these Patented light, secure shuttered eye guards, eyecups, and eye shields have been designed for comfort and performance.
    They feature unique characteristics to support the specialized requirements of the armed forces, Homeland Security, and law enforcement communities. We understand that each customer application has its own unique set of requirements, and our subject matter experts are here to help. We will partner with you to design the optimal solution for your application, keeping both performance and budget in mind.

    Having worked with all the major OEMs of these systems, we know what it takes to bring forth a successful engineered solution.

  • Extrusion and Molded Components

    Quality extrusions with world-class color matching

    Our seals are fabricated from specially formulated elastomers tailored to exact project requirements. We can extrude seals that work in most environments including vacuum, high pressure, extreme hot or cold, and fuel or chemically corrosive environments. Applications include the OEM and MRO sectors. In the Food industry, our elastomeric seals can be found as oven door seals used in the manufacture of a certain very well-known brand of crisps. We specialize in offering a comprehensive range of metal detectable products to meet the exacting standards required by the food and beverage industries. Our certification list is extensive FDA, USP VI, REACH compliant, and ADI-free materials come as standard. The dimensions range from 1.08mm and are as large as 70mm in cross-section. Our extruded cord is also available as a ‘standard only’ product for our customers. With over 300 materials from standard Silicone FDA through to specially formulated Viton™ GF-S, we can extrude to our customer needs offering tolerances to ISO3302-1 E1 or tighter.

  • Fire and Temperature Resistant Solutions

    Highly engineered for both commercial and military applications.

    Most engines require fireproof or barrier seals, and it is usually the case that the elastomer product must be custom designed to ensure maximum sealing effectiveness and safety in the air.

    With typical operating environment ranging from temperatures as low as -58°F/-50°C up to highs of +527°F/+275°C many applications calling for meticulous product development and specification is vital. Our seals, where required, are reinforced with various fire-retardant materials, such as fabrics, to meet fire-resistant and fireproof requirements of up to 2000°F (x0°C) for 15 minutes. Applying the latest materials to create high-quality sealing barriers in the engine and pylon environments, we have specific skills and capabilities in terms of meeting performance in high temperatures and fire protection zones. Our 3D printing capability enables us to produce and test prototypes before production to maximize performance and minimize cost. We have extensive testing facilities, and our products are approved by AC20-135 for use in fireproof seal applications.

  • Inflatable Solutions

    Extraordinary dynamic sealing performance and reliability

    Inflatable seals are designed to seal out gases, liquid, dust, or dirt around hatches, doors, canopies, or covers while providing instant access when necessary. The seal inflates (rather than compresses) to create an air or watertight barrier. Compared to elastomeric compression seals, inflatable rubber seals perform better on uneven or misaligned surfaces. They require less force to ensure a good sealing performance. All that is needed is to move the mating parts into place and inflate the seal to close the gap. This makes them the perfect solution for unique or complex sealing applications where gap variations may be caused due to pressure, thermal or mechanical movements. Inflatable seals are used on all modern fighter jets but also have many uses where a dynamic sealing solution is required.

  • Liquid Injection Molding

    Scalable, high-precision production of high-volume liquid injection molded products

    We offer scalable solutions using tested and proven molding and processing technology. Our experienced engineering and tooling group gives us the advantage to go from prototype to millions of parts, allowing our customers to achieve their quality and volume targets. We leverage forty years of expertise in liquid and high-consistency silicones and organic molded rubber to ensure your satisfaction from concept prototypes through high-volume production.

  • Low Observable Solutions

    Global leader in Low Observables and Radar Absorbing Materials for mission-critical applications.

  • Plastic Injection Molding

    Designs and manufactures high-performance plastic, thermoplastic rubber, and urethane

    Designs and manufactures seals and components from any high-performance plastic, thermoplastic rubber (TPEs, TPR or TPUs), and urethane. Rubbercraft incorporates design engineering, materials science, and precision manufacturing to produce plastic-injected molded seals and components for many types of industries, including automotive, defense, medical, and industrial

  • Rubber to Metal Bonded Solutions

    Development and supply of a wide range of rubber-to-metal and other substrate-bonded seals.

    Component selections include standard mold-in-place gaskets to complex multi-material sealing components. Rubbercraft uses precise co-molding processes to vulcanize an elastomeric seal profile directly into a non-elastomeric carrier. This process yields a chemical bond far superior to one that uses a cured profile bonded to a substrate with an adhesive.

    The bonding process incorporates elastomeric-based adhesives that concurrently adhere to the substrate and elastomer during the curing/vulcanization process. This process adds to the elimination of air trap and contamination in the bond line and provides a significantly robust bond.


  • Aerospace

    Supporting operators with optimized aircraft availability and safety

    • We help optimize aircraft performance, emission output, and fuel economy standards while still meeting strict safety requirements to ensure that passengers can travel safely.
    • Our Elastomer Solutions include fire barrier seals, aerodynamic seals, passenger and cargo door seals, pressure seals, gaskets, interior extrusions, and flexible rubber hose connectors.
    • For aircraft manufacturers and their partners, we also provide Elastomeric tooling for the manufacture of composite aircraft structures.
  • Defense

    Providing mission-critical solutions to maintain operational readiness

    • We support War fighters and Military Assets in executing training exercises and missions safely. Our comprehensive solutions include fireproof aerodynamic pressure seals and gaskets for doors, windshields, canopies, access panels, structural bulkheads, wing slats, and spoilers.
    • We also have expertise in designing and producing low observables, EMI shielding, aerial refueling, and pilot oxygen hoses for Military Aircraft, Navy Ships, Ground Vehicles and Equipment, and Weapons Systems.
    • We help optimize aircraft performance, emission output, and fuel economy standards while still meeting strict safety requirements to ensure that passengers can travel safely.
  • Space

    Unparalleled dedication to manned and unmanned space missions and exploration

    • We are proud of our ability to deliver safe, reliable solutions that support space assets, including reusable assets for satellite launches, exploration, space security, and human flights.
    • We provide Ablative materials for thermal protection and customized seals, including our unique temperature and pressure-resistant Astra seals that perform under extreme conditions.
  • Missiles and Weapons

    Supporting responsive, time-critical, short- and long-range strike options for our War fighters

    • Short- and long-range strike weapons and missile solutions are critical defense and attack options. Whether it is next-generation Shoulder-Fired Rocket Launchers that significantly reduce backblast and minimize the revealing of launch locations or World-Leading Hypersonic Missile Systems, Rubbercraft plays a key role in advancing and integrating new technologies.
  • Energy and Power

    Enhancing solutions in a market needed for today’s Global Economic progress while aiming for a less invasive, more sustainable exploration

    • Oil and Gas exploration is becoming increasingly difficult, whether under harsh weather conditions, in deeper waters, or both. New, sustainable solutions are rapidly becoming more efficient and gaining share. These industries need specialized and proactive suppliers who can deliver reliable products proven to perform on time to assist in increasing output while reducing operational costs. Where safety and reliability are essential, there is no room for error.
    • We offer extensive experience supplying the Energy and Power Industries with high-performance Elastomeric seals. These include our VulcOrings, Vee Packings, T-seals, U-cups, Rod Wipers, WV Packings, Piston Cups, and Custom-Molded Components. Our products have been developed to provide high sealing efficiency and performance in even the most inhospitable environments.
  • Medical

    Providing effective and innovative solutions to assist in restoring and maintaining health

    • We understand the demanding requirements of serving a broad range of Medical Device segments and have consistently challenged our processes, products, and solutions to ensure they are market-leading. We demonstrate this daily by supplying high-performance sealing materials and solutions optimized for the demanding and performance-critical applications within the Pharmaceutical and Life Science Industry. From standard off-the-shelf Encapsulated and Micro seals to engineered, bespoke inflatable, molded solutions, our expertise in liquid and high consistency silicones and organic molded rubber ensures your satisfaction from concept prototypes through high-volume production.
  • Industrial and Manufacturing

    Driving improved solutions to support customer goals

    • The diverse nature of this market requires us to develop and tailor products and services specifically so that each customer has a sealing solution that is effective in their particular market and application.
    • We have highly experienced Engineers who are able to take on any challenge, from problem-solving and innovation to supplying the best possible solutions. As a result, we work successfully in a wide variety of industries with an innovative and extensive Elastomeric seals range that meets the demand of a broad range of manufacturing and industrial disciplines.
  • Semiconductor

    Supporting continuously expanding processing capability in smaller envelopes

    • The semiconductor industry lives and dies by a simple creed: smaller, faster, and cheaper. The benefit of being tiny is simple: finer lines mean more transistors can be packed onto the same chip. The more transistors on a chip, the faster it can do its work.
    • Supplying high-purity, quality-critical products for high-vacuum semiconductor applications, we provide advanced sealing solutions for some of the world’s most demanding and quality-critical customers.

Capabilites and Quality

  • A complete service package

    As a business partner, Rubbercraft delivers added value through total solutions, which encompasses every stage from the initial Polymer Science, Compounding, Engineering, and Development to Manufacturing the final component or assembly. Whether build-to-print or build-to-specification, we can design, manufacture, assemble, test, and install. It is an efficient, seamless, and effective approach tailored for customer satisfaction.

  • On-site laboratory

    Innovative and progressive, Rubbercraft has a state-of-the-art laboratory for developing formulations and testing Elastomeric Compounds. We mix, mold, and extrude Silicone, Fluorosilicone, EPDM, Butyl, Viton®, Nitrile, Neoprene, and other Elastomers.

    An extensive inventory of Extrusion Dies and Molds ensures both rapid turnaround and cost-effective standard products.

  • ISO9001/AS9100 certified system

    Rubbercraft is ISO/AS Approved for the Design of Composite Components.

    Rubbercraft satisfies the stringent demands of safety-critical processes. Our ISO 9001/ AS9100 accreditations signify quality without compromise, and we hold numerous other quality certifications and industry approvals. Notably, our certification includes Approval for Design, a key differentiator which enables Rubbercraft to deliver total solutions — from design concept to completion.

    Most of all, we are proud to have gained preferred status with many of our customers.

     AS9100 Certificate of Registration >

  • Quality

    Rubbercraft draws upon the global strength, presence, and expertise of being part of Integrated Polymer Solutions. Integrated Polymer Solutions is a group of highly respected manufacturing businesses exclusively focused on Engineered Elastomers, Survivability Materials, and Biomedical Elastomeric Solutions. As a result, Rubbercraft has access to the best minds and processes in the industry, a global support network, and best-in-class design engineering and manufacturing expertise.

    Rubbercraft is ISO/AS Approved for the Design of Composite Components. Rubbercraft satisfies the stringent demands of the safety-critical processes. Our ISO 9001/ AS9100 accreditations signify quality without compromise, and we hold numerous other quality certifications and industry approvals. Notably, our certification includes approval for design, a key differentiator which enables Rubbercraft to deliver total solutions — from design concept to completion.



    Rubbercraft draws upon the global strength, presence, and expertise of being part of Integrated Polymer Solutions. Integrated Polymer Solutions is a group of highly respected manufacturing businesses exclusively focused on Engineered Elastomers, Survivability Materials, and Biomedical Elastomeric Solutions. As a result, Rubbercraft has access to the best minds and processes in the industry, a global support network, and best-in-class design engineering and manufacturing expertise.

    Rubbercraft is ISO/AS Approved for the Design of Composite Components. Rubbercraft satisfies the stringent demands of the safety-critical processes. Our ISO 9001/ AS9100 accreditations signify quality without compromise, and we hold numerous other quality certifications and industry approvals. Notably, our certification includes approval for design, a key differentiator which enables Rubbercraft to deliver total solutions — from design concept to completion.



  • Innovate
  • Design
  • Manufacture
  • Excel

Our Market Sectors

We have market-leading positions in critical, challenging market sectors that help enable the future with innovative, safe, and sustainable solutions. We collaborate with our customers to meet the future demands of a rapidly evolving world by providing best-in-class solutions.

Our Capabilities

Customized Solutions

Whether build-to-design or build-to-print, we can design, manufacture, assemble, and test for your most complex problems.

  • Efficient
  • Seamless
  • Effective
More in Our Offerings

The Rubbercraft Difference

  • Operational Excellence

    Continuous Improvement
    • A strong culture of incorporating best-in-practice Lean principles
    • Disciplined operational plan with clear metrics and accountability
    • Managing for daily improvement (MDI) process, reviewed daily on the shop floor; constraints or issues dealt with immediately
    • Committed to the continual investment of equipment at our state-of-the-art facilities
    • Score Card Management
    • Superior customer interface
    • Dedicated pre and pospost-awardams
    • Dedicated global technical salesforce
    • Rapid proposal turnaround
    • Minmax inventory solutions
    • Customer portal capability
  • Customer Performance

    Customer Performance
    • Best-in-class responsiveness
    • Score Card Management
    • Superior customer interface
    • Dedicated pre and pospost-awardams
    • Dedicated global technical salesforce
    • Rapid proposal turnaround
    • Minmax inventory solutions
    • Customer portal capability
  • Program Management

    • Capability to successfully execute complex development programs
    • Mature program management and development processes
    • Proactive customer communication and collaboration
    • Leading engineering capabilities in the industry
    • Extensive application and solution experience

Rubbercraft is One of Ten Brands Providing World-Class
Polymer Solutions